Due to passing of our beloved founder, Sarah, we have had to pause shipping for the time being and we can not take any new orders. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
April 09, 2022
I am often asked what my meditation practice is. How do I do it and how long do I spend meditating?Well, I have been meditating for about 30 years and although like most people I started off being a bit erratic and certainly quite resentful about meditating when it felt like I could be doing something ‘more useful,’ These days I love my practice and can’t wait to start. In fact my day doesn’t feel right if I don't do it.It wasn’t always that way, I started learning meditation with a Buddhist monk in Windsor, a lovely calm lady who was very still and composed. At the time I was deeply anxious with a spinning mind and under a lot of stress and anxiety and having panic attacks. I remember pacing outside the venue wondering if I should go in or not, remember, 30 years ago meditating was still considered a bit ‘out there.’ I had all sorts of ego thoughts such as - “will I lose control of my mind” and “can something possess me?.At the time I was barely in control of my anxiety levels and the thought of quieting my mind felt terrifying and dangerous, after all I was doing everything I could to not listen to my crazy mind. I did walk through those doors thank goodness and I fought the fight or flight panic of wanting to run out the door for the first few months. Gradually over time my anxiety started to soften, I could feel my tummy relax and I looked forward to these quiet times of resting my crazy mind. Learning to shift our brain from the Western bonkers busy brain to the Eastern calm collected brain was not easy, but worth all the hours I spent learning this life saving technique. Meditating has saved my sanity and helped me to find that still calm space in the riotous life we lead in the West.Over the years I fought with mediation, doing it faithfully for years and then stopping because I felt better and decided I didn’t need it any more. What a mistake that was as I slipped slowly back in to the chaos of my thinking. I am dedicated to my practice these days and do it daily. As I sink into the quiet of my inner world all noise clatter stops and I connect with my inner being who inspires me to live a better life. In todays world there are books and courses everywhere and so no excuse not to learn and apply this critical practice.It doesn’t matter what practice you choose but just start and do it one day at a time. Watch for the ego telling you to stop, to do something else and just turn up and do it anyway.The Zephorium Clarity & Vision for the Brow Chakra aura spray or body oil is ideal to use for meditation. Either spray around your chakra prior to starting or anoint your 3rd eye with a little oil, breath deeply to inhale the lapis lazuli infused crystal oil and repeat the affirmation;“I see the truth. My future is calm. My past is healed and released."
I wish for you a quiet time of daily practice.With love Sarah xx
October 05, 2022
September 18, 2022
September 06, 2022